How do I refer to a subclass as a type parameter?

Is there a way to use a subclass of the current class as a type parameter for a generic class?

I'm not really sure how to expose my problem, so I'll give an example:


My object Connection

is responsible for sending and receiving a specific type (subclass) Message

over the network (just to reproduce the relevant parts here):

public class Connection<M extends Message> {
    public void send(M mes) {


My Message

object is a superclassical abstract class, all kinds of messages sent over the network.

public abstract class Message {
    private transient Connection<?> conn;

    public void send() {


I have several subclasses of course Message



My problem comes from the property Connection<?> conn


: in it, the current state of eclipse is telling me that

Send (capture # 7-of?) Method of type Connection <capture # 7-of? > not applicable for arguments (Message)

What type of parameter should you use for Connection

so that it is compatible with any subclass Message


What i tried

I tried to declare Message


public abstract class Message<M extends Message<M>> {
    private transient Connection<M> conn;


And then I would:

public class MessageA extends Message<MessageA> {


as a subclass.

But this is a big problem (I have a lot of generic classes using subclasses Message

as type parameters) and it doesn't seem like the right way to handle this.


source to share

2 answers

Use Connection<Message>


public abstract class Message {
    private transient Connection<Message> conn;




To get M

for conn.send()

, you need an abstract method that will provide you M

with which subclasses to override to provide.

public abstract class Message<M> {
    abstract M getMessage();
    private transient Connection<M> conn;

    public void send() {

public class MessageA extends Message<MessageA> {
    MessageA getMessage() {
        return this;




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