Remote validation with kendo-validator

I am new to angular-js. I am developing an app using angular-kendo. I followed

Before implementing it in my real project, I will implement it in my text project. Look at my view:

 <form role="form" name="formTimeLine" kendo-validator="validator" 
    <span class="label required">Name:</span>
      <input type="remarks" name="remarks" class="k-textbox" 
      ng-model="fiscalYear.Remarks" data-test="Please write sabbir."/><br>
       <span data-for='remarks' class='k-invalid-msg'></span>
      <button ng-click="Save()">Save</button>


My validation rules in the controller:

  $scope.myValidatorOptions = {
    rules: {
        test: function (input) {
            if ("[name=remarks]")) {

                return input.val() == "Sabbir"
            } else {
                return true;
    messages: {
        test: "Your UserName must be Sabbir"


My save function looks like this:

   $scope.Save = function () {
    if ($scope.validator.validate()) {
    else {


How can I wire up the rule using kendo-validator so that the remote validation is triggered and validated? It is said that a custom directive and is used ctrl.$setValidity('unique', false);

, but the call $scope.validator.validate()

returns true.


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