Folding section / area in Javascript (Visual Studio 2010/2012)

I came across this link which allows you to define legible sections in javascript without any Visual Studio extensions or macros. Although you automatically define functions when defining functions, but the link discusses a shortcut to make any javascript code legible.

Using Ctrl + M + H , selecting the javascript code, you can get a collapsible section.

The question is, how do you reverse this? Ctrl + M + U doesn't work.

You can remove all selection for the entire document with Ctrl + M + P, but how can you deselect only one section?


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1 answer

In VS2010, the options for this are under Edit -> Outlining

As you know, press Ctrl + M, Ctrl + H to create a selection section.

With the section selected, press Ctrl + M, Ctrl + U to stop the current selection, and Ctrl + M, then Ctrl + P to stop all selection.

You can also use the options in the menus or keyboard shortcuts.



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