Bounded Contexts and EF First Code - How to Build Them?

IMHO, one of the brightest DDD concepts is the ability to separate contexts in an application. But I am confused as to how I can get everything to work together.

First, I know that one is not related to the other. But my question falls precisely on the infrastructure / ORM part.

For example, I have a domain object called Procedure (medical procedure). In the context of registration, only the Code and Name are important . But in the context of procedure management, I have many other fields, such as Price , that are relevant to this context.

How can I have two objects with the same name (in different contexts) with different properties using EF Code First? Basically, I want to keep all fields in one table, but only get 2 fields in one context and all fields in another. How can I achieve this?


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1 answer

Below is a description of Shrink EF Models with DDD Bounded Contexts .

Domain models:

namespace SO25454395.Domain.Registration
    using System;

    public class Procedure
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public Guid Code { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }



namespace SO25454395.Domain.ProcedureManagement
    using System;

    public class Procedure
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public Guid Code { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }


Bounded contexts:

namespace SO25454395.Infrastructure
    using System.Data.Entity;

    public class RegistrationContext : BaseContext<RegistrationContext>
        public DbSet<Domain.Registration.Procedure> Prodedures { get; set; }



namespace SO25454395.Infrastructure
    using System.Data.Entity;

    public class ProcedureManagementContext : BaseContext<ProcedureManagementContext>
        public DbSet<Domain.ProcedureManagement.Procedure> Procedures { get; set; }


By default, Code First is creating a new database for each context, so we'll disable it using the base class and specify the database to be shared between all contexts.

namespace SO25454395.Infrastructure
    using System.Data.Entity;

    public class BaseContext<TContext> : DbContext where TContext : DbContext
        static BaseContext()

        protected BaseContext() : base("Database")



Finally, we need a context that contains all the classes used to build the complete model. This context is used for initialization.

namespace SO25454395.Infrastructure
    using SO25454395.Domain.ProcedureManagement;
    using System.Data.Entity;

    public class DatabaseContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<Procedure> Procedures { get; set; }

        public DatabaseContext() : base("Database")



namespace SO25454395.Tests
    using SO25454395.Infrastructure;
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using Xunit;

    public class BoundedContextTests
        public void Test()
            using (var databaseContext = new DatabaseContext())

            var code = Guid.NewGuid();
            var name = "Name";
            var price = 123.45m;

            using (var procedureManagementContext = new ProcedureManagementContext())
                var procedure = new Domain.ProcedureManagement.Procedure { Code = code, Name = name, Price = price };

            using (var registrationContext = new RegistrationContext())
                var procedure = registrationContext.Prodedures.Single(p => p.Code == code);
                Assert.Equal(name, procedure.Name);
                // procedure.Price is not available here.




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