Printing characters from a string gives different results

I am confused about UTF8 strings in D. Can anyone explain why this below code gives different options? why "abç"[2] == 'ç'

is there false

and not true


string s = "abç";
for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    dchar c = s[i];
    writefln("%#x", cast(int)c);
foreach(dchar c; s)
    writefln("%#x", cast(int)c);


This code output:

enter image description here


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1 answer

The character ç

has a UNICODE code point greater than 7F (there is E7), so it is represented as more than one within a UTF8 string char

(is a C3 A7 pair)


is only the third char

in s

(and the first char of 'ç')

Your first loop prints the "bytes" as they are. (taken as s [i]) Yout the second loop converts the code points in s to UTF32.

e7 and C3 A7 is just UTF32 and UTF8 encoding of the same character (U + 00E7).

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