Customize specific disabled dates in a range using jQuery UI datepicker

I am using jQuery UI datepicker for a form where users request a school visit. There is a date range in which tours are held, and within this range, the site administrator can disable certain days that are booked. No problem yet:

/* array of booked dates generated from CMS backend */
var disabledDates = [
    '2015-05-08' // examples

    minDate: '4/30/2015', // Range start
    maxDate: '10/1/2015', // Range end
    beforeShowDay: function(date) { // Disable custom dates
        var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
        return [$.inArray(string, disabledDates) == -1];


I got the code beforeShowDay

from this post: JQuery UI datepicker. Disable array of dates

I know I can add a class to disabled items with a second parameter, but it adds it on all disabled dates, including those outside minDate

and maxDate


beforeShowDay : a function that takes a date as a parameter and should return an array with:

0: true / false indicating whether this date can be selected
1: CSS class name to add to date cell or "" for the default presentation
2: optional tooltip for this date

The function is called for every day in the datepicker before it is displayed.

However, the client has requested that only "booked" dates have a visual indication that the date is not available (other than the default disabled state). There won't be that many, maybe 4 or 5. It makes sense to me.

Is there a way to adjust only the dates disabled by a feature beforeShowDay

in my setup, or some other solution to achieve what I need? jsFiddle demo


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1 answer

Wesley, I looked at your requirement and looked at the requirement you needed and I think as it might be required by me as well as it was unique in itself so I researched the code and did what you wanted. I am pasting the code below with a little explanation of the same: -

Below is the JQuery code:

var disabledDates = [

    minDate: '4/30/2015',
    maxDate: '10/1/2015',
    beforeShowDay: function(date){
         var str = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
         var minDateArr = $(this).datepicker( "option", "minDate" ).split('/')

        var minDate = new Date(minDateArr[2],minDateArr[0]-1,minDateArr[1]); //Don't remove the -1 from minDateArr[0]-1 as the Javascript dates starts with 0.
        if ($.inArray(str, disabledDates) != -1){
            return  [false, 'special']
        else if(date < minDate ){
             return [false, 'not-special']
            return [true,"special"];


A bit of manipulation in CSS: -

.special span {
    color: red !important; /* should only apply to may 6 and 8 */
.not-special span {
    color: green !important; 


And most importantly, there must be an input tag: -



Also below is Js Fiddle link for the same: -

Hopefully this is what you needed and expecting it helps others where it can be used to book / book sites.



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