How to directly monitor HTTP requests from the C # server console?

Does anyone know how to get a C # server application running in the console to display HTTP requests from the client as shown in this image?

Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

If all you want to do is deploy an HTTP server and write requests to the console, this should be fairly easy to accomplish with OWIN and Katana . Just install the following NuGet packages:

  • Microsoft.Owin.Hosting
  • Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener

And use something along the following lines:

public static class Program
    private const string Url = "http://localhost:8080/";

    public static void Main()
        using (WebApp.Start(Url, ConfigureApplication))
            Console.WriteLine("Listening at {0}", Url);

    private static void ConfigureApplication(IAppBuilder app)
        app.Use((ctx, next) =>
                "Request \"{0}\" from: {1}:{2}",

            return next();


You can, of course, customize the output to your liking, having access to full query and spam objects.

This will give you something like this:

HTTP requests



You can do this using System.Diagnostics Tracing

in Web API

. On the website you can read a detailed article .

Another possibility is to enable IIS logging and then read the log files. I'm not really sure how it's done, this is what I'm doing on apache2 / linux wherever you can tail -f log

. I've read a thing or two about powershell equivalents, but not for consoleapps, so I think I'll stick with Tracing.

Edit: After looking around I found this similar question with related answers: How do I view the raw HTTP request sent by the HttpWebRequest class?



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