Ggplot keeps repeating colors for combined plots

I am trying to create a map of all ethnic groups in the world - based on SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

(form files can be downloaded here ). My problem is that ggplot

it seems to reassign colors after every successive call geom_polygon

. The following code for two countries works great and all regions / ethnic groups can be distinguished from each other.



# load GREG dataset
greg <- readShapePoly("GREG.shp", proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")) 
# exclude very small polygons (<= 5 square km)
greg <- greg[greg$AREA > 1000e+06,]
temp <- greg[greg$COW==325,]
g<-ggplot(temp, aes(x = long, y = lat))  + 
   geom_polygon(data=temp,aes(group = group, fill=group, size=1))

temp <- greg[greg$COW==225,]
g + 
  geom_polygon(data=temp,aes(group = group, fill=group, size=1)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")   


However, when I run this code in a loop and on a large number of polygons (in this case, countries), the color of many polygons (leaving Italy and Switzerland) becomes indistinguishable from each other because ggplot assigns a unique color to each (apparently 6011 polygons). is there a way to keep the "unique" colors of each polygon in the composite plot? In other words, the plot should allow for duplicate colors.
temp <- greg[greg$COW==0,]
g <- ggplot(temp, aes(x = long, y = lat)) + 
  geom_polygon(data=temp,aes(group = group,  fill=group, size=1))

for (cow in unique(greg$COW)) {
  if (cow==0) next
  temp <- greg[greg$COW==cow,]
  g <- g + 
    geom_polygon(data=temp, aes(group = group, fill=group, size=1))
g <- g + theme(legend.position = "none") 


PS: you might have to export the second graph (i.e. to PNG) to see it.


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1 answer

So, as I mentioned earlier, you can only have a scale for each attribute. This way, the fill colors are not reset for each country, even if you add them as separate layers. To achieve the same coloring, you need to create your own variable that behaves this way. What I have done is used interaction()

to find unique country / ethnicity combinations. Then I took those values ​​and compared them to 1:12. I did it with

greg$ceid <- (as.numeric(interaction(greg$G1ID, greg$FIPS_CNTRY, drop=T)) %% 12) +1


This now suggests what FIPS_CNTRY

is a better country indicator than COW

. It also appears to be G1ID

a better identifier for a specific ethnic group than GROUP1

a dataset. If there is documentation for this dataset, you probably want to read it carefully to verify this information. Most countries have less than 10 ethnic groups, but there is one with 206 and the next highest at 87.

So it tried to spread the colors between countries. The next trick is to use explicitly fortify

to tell ggplot how to group the regions. We do this with

fortify(greg, region="ceid")


which creates something similar to

       long      lat order  hole piece group id
1 -158.7752 63.22207     1 FALSE     1   1.1  1
2 -158.7752 63.36345     2 FALSE     1   1.1  1
3 -158.4783 63.54724     3 FALSE     1   1.1  1
4 -158.4359 63.64621     4 FALSE     1   1.1  1
5 -158.3228 63.83000     5 FALSE     1   1.1  1
6 -158.0262 63.98471     6 FALSE     1   1.1  1


where group

specifies the grouping of polygons, but id

corresponds to the regions specified in fortify

. So these are the numbers 1:12. Now we will build it all with

g <- ggplot(fortify(greg, region="ceid"), aes(x = long, y = lat)) + 
  geom_polygon(aes(group = group,  fill = id), size=1) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(type="qual", palette = "Set3") + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") 


Here I have used a colorbrewer quality color palette. It looks like

enter image description here

If you instead provided the actual ethnic group names for group 1 with default colors, you could get

g <- ggplot(fortify(greg, region="G1ID"), aes(x = long, y = lat)) + 
  geom_polygon(aes(group = group,  fill=id), size=1) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") 


enter image description here

The last plot is definitely "smoother", but it really depends on you what you want to communicate the plot though.



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