Reflection, Casting List <Int32> to IEnumerable <object>

I have a class that I need to mirror through object properties and check values ​​and other things. Everything seems to work except when I have a list and am trying to convert an item to IEnumerable.

if (propType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IEnumerable)))
    var value = prop.GetValue(source);
    Type underlyingType = propType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

    var enumerable = value as IEnumerable<object>;
    if(enumerable == null)
        // problem here......

    // Check the items in the list


PropType is returned as:

FullName = "System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089]]"

A suitable type is returned as:


This works when it is a list of custom classes, it just seems to be broken when it is a value type.

Can anyone help here?


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1 answer

The fact that int

is a value type makes the difference here. According to the C # specification, there must be reference or identifier reference between typical types in order to make the types optionally convertible:

A type T<A1, …, An>

is variance-convertible for a type T<B1, …, Bn>

if T

it is either an interface or a delegate type declared with a type variant T<X1, …, Xn>

and, for each type variant parameter, Xi

one of the following assertions:

  • Xi

    is covariant and there is an implicit reference or identity reversal from Ai


  • Xi

    is contravariant and there is an implicit reference or identity reversal from Bi


  • Xi

    is invariant and there is an identical transformation from Ai



is covariant, so the marked line i is important. Ai

in your case int

it Bi

is int

. There is no reference conversion from int

to object

, because it is int

not a reference type. There is also no identity conversion between the two because they are not the same.

I don't know the whole context of your question, but you can use non-generic IEnumerable

instead IEnumerable<object>

. They are almost the same. However, you may run into the XY problem here, so it is difficult for you to help without knowing more about your case.



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