Metalsmith.js: How do I create the same directory as the build script?

I am completely new to metalmith. I am following this tutorial:

I want to create my site in the root directory of my project (same directory as the build script). I want to do this because I want the github pages to play well with it. But when I try to build I get this error: Error: EBUSY, busy or blocked resource

Here is my structure:

  • project_folder /
    • _site-Src /
      • index.html
    • node_modules
    • build.js
    • package.json

Here is my build.js source:

var Metalsmith = require("metalsmith");



I want my project dir to look like this:

  • project_folder /
    • _site-Src /
      • index.html
    • node_modules
    • build.js
    • package.json
    • index.html

I don't know what I am doing wrong. I appreciate any help.


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1 answer

Error message:

Error: EBUSY, busy or blocked resource

seems to be a file lock / usage bug. (I'm not familiar with Node.js bugs)

I would guess that this happens when Metalsmith tries to clear the build folder (this is your solution folder, which is a very bad idea). This is enabled by default, but can be disabled.

To disable this use:



before creating.

BUT if you remove items from the original folder, they will not be removed from your build folder. You might be able to handle this with a custom script cleaner or plugin.

I have no experience with github pages, but I think it's best to avoid the problem.

You could add a symbolic link to the build folder from the project folder for the file index.html


