ReactJS: How to add an unsupported React component (JSX tag)?

There are several tags that are not yet defined in ReactJS, for example <animate>

in the SVG namespace.

How are base nodes like React.DOM.div

and React.DOM.span

defined in React? Or How are core tags like <div>

and <span>

defined in JSX?

Can the same method be used to extend React to define a standard tag <animate>

? I don't want to develop and renew the React Github project.


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1 answer

The easiest (and ugliest) way to do this is to render with dangerouslySetInnerHTML: You just generate <animate>

as a string passing it to the wrapper div as innerHTML.

Otherwise, you will need to dig up the internals of React, namely the function createDOMComponentClass

in ReactDOM.js

. If you go that far, I bet you can request a pull request to merge the tag.



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