Why use a display: block for block-level elements

Sometimes I see designers using display: block

block level elements? For example, I have seen people using display:block

for elements that are already block level elements such as ul, li

type headers h1, h2, h3

, etc.

If browsers already treat these elements as block level elements, why should I use a display block on them?



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2 answers

Most browsers correctly recognize h1

, h2

, ul

(they have always been included in the HTML), but for the new HTML5 elements, such as header

, footer

, and main

, and canvas

this is a good practice. As old browsers didn't recognize them, but if you declared them as an element block

, they will render them correctly.

For example, IE8 does not recognize footer

and display the footer as an inline element (on most sites that can cause clutter). ( http://caniuse.com/#search=footer )

This block of code from normalize.css of a commonly used CSS style sheet to "normalize" the display of elements in browsers:

/* HTML5 display definitions
   ========================================================================== */

 * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.
 * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11 and Firefox.
 * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.
summary {
  display: block;


The comments indicate why they are applying display: block


In some cases, it display: block

can be used to set properties previously changed in CSS. For example, if a plugin wants to make sure its headers are rendered as a block, it sets h1

, h2

... to display: block

, because perhaps the site it belongs to installed h1

to inline




This is to help older browsers render modern HTML correctly. In the case of ul, li, h1, etc. tags that have been around since HTML 1.0, it overflows. display: block

usually done so that modern HTML tags, i.e. HTML 5, newer ones like canvas

, article

etc., can be rendered by older or non-standard browsers.



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