Get excellent values ​​based on two neo4j nodes

There are many "custom" nodes, each user can send money to another user.



here r has the properties

  • created_at = timestamp ()
  • money_transferred = the amount of money transferred

How can I find one last money sent by a user to another user or the last money received from another user in one request.

I tried this query

MATCH (from:User)-[r:SENT_MONEY]->(to:User)
where (id(from)=1234 OR  id(to)=1234)
return max(r.created_at) as sent_at,
r.money_transferred as amount, from.username,to.username
order by last_amount_sent_at DESC


The results look like this:

sent_at    | amount | from.username | to.username
1408961056 |  20    |   user1 | user2
1408961041 | 30     |   user2 | user1
1408961028 | 50     | user1 | user3
1408951163 | 20     | user4 |   user1
1408951140 | 10     | user1 |   user4


On this request, the user "user1" records with "user2" and "user4" is received twice. It should be the only one with the last transaction between users like

sent_at    | amount | from.username | to.username
1408961056 |  20    |   user1 | user2
1408961028 | 50     | user1 | user3
1408951163 | 20     | user4 |   user1



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1 answer


Here's a query that I think will do what you need.

MATCH (m:User {username : 'user1'})-[r:SENT_MONEY]-(n:User)
WITH m, n, collect(r) AS rs, max(r.created_at) AS p
WITH m, n, filter(x IN rs WHERE x.created_at = p) AS l


For each pair of users, you collect transactions and find the last one, then return the start and end node of that last transaction.

Grace and peace


In response to your further question, you can modify a query like this (for example) to avoid a collection or element error:

MATCH (m:User {username : 'user1'})-[r:SENT_MONEY]-(n:User)
WITH m, n, collect(r) AS rs, max(r.created_at) AS p
WITH m, n, filter(x IN rs WHERE x.created_at = p) AS o
RETURN m, n, o[0], (o[0]).money_transferred




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