List of zip archives using zip-conduit
Using a library zip-conduit
, I want to list the entries in a ZIP archive. I want to print them just the filename per line - similar to unzip -l
but without additional information.
Note: This question was answered using Q&A style and therefore does not show any research on purpose!
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1 answer
You can use the function entryNames
. By modifying the ZIP extraction example , we can print the names instead of extracting.
The following program example takes a ZIP file name from the first command line parameter and uses it mapM_ putStrLn
to print:
import Codec.Archive.Zip (withArchive, entryNames)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
main = do
-- ZIP file name: First commandline arg
zipPath:_ <- getArgs
names <- withArchive zipPath $ entryNames
mapM_ putStrLn names
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