Shopify: get current user id in JavaScript

I am trying to build an app for shopify and I am wondering if I can get the current user id using the javascript api or something similar. I was looking at the ajax api: and I see that you can get the current products that the current user has added to your shopping cart, but nothing contains your user ID.

Is this possible or am I missing something?


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6 answers

Your best bet would be to create an app that installs a simple ScriptTag in the store. This means the script can safely communicate the client ID back to the application. It's very easy to do it. Forget the front-end API as there is no safe way to call your app using this.



I found the variables to be __st

unreliable ( __st_uniqToken

for one). I believe the correct way to do it in Javascript is to use the following call:


You can also get a unique user id (no login) with:


It is also the only reliable way to get it from the checkout page. I have used previously __st_uniqToken

but since then it stops working.

NOTE This is no longer 100% fool proof. Shopify have AGAIN changed how their site performs on the landing and thank you pages. I had to resort to the following function to get a reliable user ID.

var user_id = function() {
    try {
        return ShopifyAnalytics.lib.user().id();
    } catch(e) {}
    try {
        return ShopifyAnalytics.lib.user().properties().uniqToken;
    } catch(e) {}
    try {
        return ShopifyAnalytics.lib.user().anonymousId();
    } catch(e) {}
    return __st_uniqToken;


Developing for Shopify is a real nightmare. I spend 50% of my time breaking my product every few weeks because they are.



You can try __st.cid

in JavaScript to get the client id.



In your layout.liquid file, you can add this code to define a global variable customerId

{% if customer %}
  <script type="text/javascript">
   window.customerId = "{{ }}";   
{% endif %}




Just getting it out

is your script



It looks like the Shopify API has changed again, I can see that the user id is now in ShopifyAnalytics.lib.user().traits().uniqToken

. It may also take a while to load this value.

I am using this piece of code to get the job done as soon as a value is available.

<script type="text/javascript">
  actOnUser = function(retry, func){
    if (ShopifyAnalytics && ShopifyAnalytics.lib && ShopifyAnalytics.lib.user) {
      console.log(ShopifyAnalytics.lib.user().traits().uniqToken); // Do your work here.
    } else {
      if (retry > 0) {
        setTimeout(function() {
          func(retry - 1, func);
        }, 1000);
      console.log('User not ready'); // Can be removed - just for debug
  setTimeout(function() {
    actOnUser(10, actOnUser);
  }, 1000);




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