Update database values for checkboxes using PHP PDO without updating all checkboxes
I have 3 lines and each line has a checkbox, when I uncheck all the checkboxes and click save. I am getting an error in the else statement. If I uncheck the box and click Save, when I get to the last checkbox and click Save, I also get an error in the else statement.
Here's my question. How do I allow all checkboxes to be checked without getting an error?
Here is my PHP code:
//Update Social Preferences with new value for display on homepage
$settingsArray = array('myfacebook', 'mytwitter', 'mygoogle');
if(isset( $_POST['mysocial']))
$values = array();
foreach($_POST['mysocial'] as $selection )
{ if(in_array($selection, $settingsArray))
{ $values[ $selection ] = 1; }
{ $values[ $selection ] = 0; }
} // end of foreach.
$user_id = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
try // save user selection to the database
$stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE social_preferences SET my_facebook = :myfacebook, my_twitter = :mytwitter, my_google = :mygoogle WHERE user_id = :userID");
$stmt->bindParam(":userID", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindParam(':myfacebook', $values['myfacebook']);
$stmt->bindParam(':mytwitter', $values['mytwitter']);
$stmt->bindParam(':mygoogle', $values['mygoogle']);
header("Location: admin-social-test.php");
die("Redirecting to admin-social-test.php");
} catch(PDOException $e) { echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage(); }
{ $noCheckbox = 'No checkbox selection made...'; }
} // End of, if statement from the button check
Here is my HTML code:
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="myfacebook" <?php echo ($result['my_facebook']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="mytwitter" <?php echo ($result['my_twitter']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="mygoogle" <?php echo ($result['my_google']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
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1 answer
I have added hidden input for each one.
So, I change this:
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="myfacebook" <?php echo ($result['my_facebook']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="mytwitter" <?php echo ($result['my_twitter']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="mygoogle" <?php echo ($result['my_google']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
For this:
<input type="hidden" name="mysocial[]" value="myfacebook1" <?php echo ($result['my_facebook']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="myfacebook" <?php echo ($result['my_facebook']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="hidden" name="mysocial[]" value="mytwitter1" <?php echo ($result['my_twitter']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="mytwitter" <?php echo ($result['my_twitter']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="hidden" name="mysocial[]" value="mygoogle1" <?php echo ($result['my_google']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="mysocial[]" value="mygoogle" <?php echo ($result['my_google']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> />
This seems to work.
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