IOS How to get the type of a property of an object in Swift?

I am trying to get information about the properties of an object in Swift. I was able to get the property names and some attributes, but I'm not sure how to get the property type.

I am trying to follow some suggestions on this objective-c post

class func classOfProperty(parentType: AnyClass, propertyName: String) -> AnyClass?
    var type: AnyClass?

    var property: objc_property_t = class_getProperty(parentType, propertyName);

    var attributes = NSString(UTF8String: property_getAttributes(property)).componentsSeparatedByString(",") as [String]

    if(attributes.count > 0) {

    return type


Is this still possible in Swift? If so, how?


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1 answer

In swift 1.2, the following is possible:

import Foundation

func getPropertyType(parentType: NSObject.Type, propertyName: String) -> Any.Type? {
    var instance = parentType()
    var mirror = reflect(instance)

    for i in 0..<mirror.count {
        var (key, valueInfo) = mirror[i]
        if key == propertyName {
            return valueInfo.valueType

    return nil

enum EyeColor: Int { case Brown = 1, Blue = 2, Black = 3, Green = 4 }
class Person: NSObject {
    var name = "Fred"
    var eyeColor = EyeColor.Black
    var age = 38
    var jumpHeight: Float?

println(getPropertyType(Person.self, "name"))
println(getPropertyType(Person.self, "eyeColor"))
println(getPropertyType(Person.self, "age"))
println(getPropertyType(Person.self, "jumpHeight"))


Unfortunately they have to be NSObjects (or some other class that uses the default constructor.)



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