Windows 8.1 showing an icon in the pinned areas of the site instead of an image

I'm trying to display images on an attached site element for my site, but for some reason it just keeps showing the icon.

If I uncomment the meta tags for Windows 8.1 pinned site fragments, the site meta tag is tied to Windows 8, but if I don't uncomment it, both don't work.

Here is my code:

<#-- Pinning site to Windows start page. -->
<meta name="application-name" content=""/>
<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#ffffff"/>
<meta name=msapplication-starturl content="my_url">

<#-- Windows 8. -->
<meta name=msapplication-TileImage content="/images/ms-pinned-site.png">

<#-- Windows 8.1. -->
<meta name="msapplication-square150x150logo" content="/images/ms-pinned-square.png">
<meta name="msapplication-wide310x150logo" content="/images/ms-pinned-wide.png">
<meta name="msapplication-square310x310logo" content="/images/ms-pinned-large.png">


The sizes of the images are as follows:

Area: 150x150: Image size: 149x157 Wide: 310x150: Image size: 507x240 Large: 310x310: Image size: 443x426

Any help would be much appreciated.


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