SenderID validation using java based email filter
I am using jSPF to validate SPF records for incoming email addresses.
Now I need to maintain Sender ID as well .
Can I use the same jSPF code or with some patches I could use to validate the Sender ID ?
I checked the jSPF code, but they only support SPF RFC-4408.
I am ready to write a patch myself in java, if I could not find an existing SenderID validation library in java,
Also, I tried to read RFC 4406 and RFC 4408 for SenderID implementation in java, but the RFC confused me further regarding the correct implementation path as it also references RFF and SPF formatting.
Please, help.
Thank you in advance
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FYI: There may be web services for that too.
For example:
shows if there are records for domain xy. You may be able to disassemble and use them. But please check if you are allowed to use this web service.
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