Why does Z3 say this equation is not feasible when I have an input that is correct?

For a simple shift-and-XOR operation, where "enter" is symbolic:

input    = BitVec('input',32)
feedback = 0x8049d30
shiftreg = input ^ feedback
shiftreg = 0xffffffff & ((shiftreg << 8) | (shiftreg >> 24))
shiftreg = shiftreg ^ 0xcafebabe

s = Solver()
s.add(shiftreg == 0x804a008)
# unsat


We are told that this equation is not solvable. If printed, s


[4294967295 &
 ((input ^ 134520112) << 8 | (input ^ 134520112) >> 24) ^
 3405691582 ==


However, I can trivially create an example that solves this equation for "input".

want = 0x804a008
want ^= 0xcafebabe
want = 0xffffffff & ((want >> 8) | (want << 24))
want ^= 0x8049d30
print hex(want)
# 0xbec6672a


Putting our solution into equation Z3, we see that we can satisfy it.

input = 0xbec6672a
[4294967295 &
 ((input ^ 134520112) << 8 | (input ^ 134520112) >> 24) ^
 3405691582 ==
# True


Why can't Z3 find this solution?


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2 answers

It turns out that in Z3, shift operators are arithmetic shifts, not logical shifts.

This means that the right shift >>

is padded with the sign bit rather than padded with zeros.

For normal behavior, you should use the logical right shift ( LShR

) function .

input    = BitVec('input',32)
feedback = 0x8049d30
shiftreg = input ^ feedback
shiftreg = (shiftreg << 8) | LShR(shiftreg, 24)
shiftreg = shiftreg ^ 0xcafebabe

s = Solver()
s.add(shiftreg == 0x804a008)
# 0xbec6672a


In this particular example, the shift operation is actually rotary. The Z3 has a mechanism for direct rotation (in this case it would be RotateLeft(shiftreg, 8)




I believe that "(shiftreg -> 24)" is interpreted as arithmetic right shift in the z3 python API: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/z3/z3.html (see . rshift). I think you are expecting a logical shift to the right. First, give it a chance to recode this to smt2.

(declare-fun input () (_ BitVec 32))
(define-fun feedback () (_ BitVec 32) #x08049d30)
(define-fun shiftreg0 () (_ BitVec 32)
  (bvxor feedback input))
(define-fun shiftreg1 () (_ BitVec 32)
  (bvand #xffffffff
         (bvor (bvshl shiftreg0 #x00000008)
               (bvlshr shiftreg0 #x00000018))))
(define-fun shiftreg2 () (_ BitVec 32)
  (bvxor shiftreg1  #xcafebabe))

(assert (= shiftreg2 #x0804a008))


We can verify that this actually sits using your favorite QFBV solver (z3, cvc4, etc.). He sits and he sits with "(= entry # xbec6672a)". Now change "(bvlshr shiftreg0 # x00000018)" to "(bvashr shiftreg0 # x00000018)". It is unstable. Change the offset back. Then let's check if the upper bit of shiftreg0 should be 1. Adding the following statement really makes the problem unstable.

(assert (not (= ((_ extract 31 31) shiftreg0) #b1)))


So we know that "(bvashr shiftreg0 # x00000018)" will be forced to shift 1s for the upper 24 bits. Thus, we know that bvlshr and bvashr should behave differently in this example.

As for the final True score, I only have guesses. (I suspect z3 has problems displaying the widths of all constant operators in the python interface, and there is a 0 internally hanging in a 33+ bit constant in shift. Can Z3 developer comment on this?)



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