How do I return the size of the largest collection in JPA?

Here's my code:

public class BookImp implements Book {

@Column(name = "id")
private Long id;

private Set<String> authors = new HashSet<String>();

// getters + constructors



I want to create a SQL query that will return the size of the largest collection of authors. How can i do this?

EDIT: For anyone suggesting using a for loop, this is how I want the answer to look like this:

public int getLargestAuthors() {
return entityManager.createQuery("select b.authors from BookImpl b where b.authors.size ...").getSingleResult().size();



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2 answers

Not a mysql wizard, but you can't do it like this?

select MAX(b.authors.size) from BookImpl b




SELECT m FROM BookImp m where size(m.authors) = (select max(size(c.authors)) FROM BookImp c)

This returns one or more BookImp instances with the largest size.



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