Provide a test implementation for the monad stack

Here's the constructed monad stack in my program:

type Px a = ReaderT PConf (State PState) a


Where PConf and PState are arbitrary data types containing application configuration and state.

I need to provide a default implementation so that I can test my functions given "PConf" and "PState":

p4 :: Px ()
p4 = ???
    conf  = PConf 4 10 10 [0, 1]
    state = PState 0 0 $ M.fromList [((x, y), Nothing) | x <- [0..9], y <- [0..9]]


I don't know what to write in "p4 =" so that the implementation uses "conf" and "state". Thank.


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1 answer

If it p4

is an action Px ()

, then it is not the point you define for conf

, and if state

it is supposed to be an initial state, not one. Instead, you should put them in a function that checks p4


p4 :: Px ()
p4 = ...

test = runState (runReaderT p4 conf) state
    conf  = PConf 4 10 10 [0, 1]
    state = PState 0 0 $ M.fromList [((x, y), Nothing) | x <- [0..9], y <- [0..9]]


EDIT: In case your problem is still write-related p4

, here's a small layout p4

that changes some of the state to contain some of the original ones conf


p4 = do
   PConf x y z _ <- ask
   PState m n mp <- get
   put $ PState m n (M.insert (x, y) (Just z) mp)




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