Use template option if available, default otherwise

I want to create a template class Frontend

for different Controller

s. Frontend

should use the implementation of the Controller

method if available (i.e. the function is supported) and defaults as in

template <typename Controller>
class Frontend
      // use Controller::something() if possible
      // else use default implementation


  • Frontend

    will use type properties internally to learn more about Controller

  • is not required to be Controller

    inferred from any base class that provides default implementations, because the default method implementation will have sensitive information in Frontend


As Controller

will be realized about 20 methods. I tried to create (nested) traits that provide information about the provided implementations:

// (T: Controller class)
T::supportsFeature<FeatureClass, ...>::type


Means Controller::supportsFeature<>

to report on concrete implementations. ::type


if the controller supports the function or std::false_type

if it does not. I created a default framework for this purpose that disables any functionality, so the Controller class must explicitly include any functionality it provides. It seemed like a convenient way of transferring information from Controller

to Frontend

, but has two main disadvantages:

  • For others (who will eventually provide Controller

    ) it is difficult to implement supportsFeature

    because the specialization of the nested traits class has to be written

  • I'm not sure how I am supposed to convince the existence of a function in Frontend::something()

    , since no argument depends on the existence of that function - I cannot provide an overload that is expressive enough (I don't want to overload for std::true_type

    vs std::false_type

    , because that just doesn't speak for itself ). I could just use an if-statement and rely on the compiler to remove the dead code. Should I?

So, to summarize:

  • How to transfer information about the existence of a method from a template class argument to a template class?
  • How to properly switch between implementations based on this information?

source to share

2 answers

I use this to verify the exact signature:

#include <cstdint>

#define DEFINE_HAS_SIGNATURE(traitsName, funcName, signature)               \
    template <typename U>                                                   \
    class traitsName                                                        \
    {                                                                       \
    private:                                                                \
        template<typename T, T> struct helper;                              \
        template<typename T>                                                \
        static std::uint8_t check(helper<signature, &funcName>*);           \
        template<typename T> static std::uint16_t check(...);               \
    public:                                                                 \
        static                                                              \
        constexpr bool value = sizeof(check<U>(0)) == sizeof(std::uint8_t); \

DEFINE_HAS_SIGNATURE(has_something, T::something, void (T::*)());


then use SFINAE (something like):

template <typename Controller>
class Frontend
    void something()

    template <typename T>
    typename std::enable_if<has_something<T>::value>::type

    template <typename T>
    typename std::enable_if<!has_something<T>::value>::type
        // default implementation


or tag dispatching (something like):

template <typename Controller>
class Frontend
    void something()
        something(typename std::conditional<has_something<Controller>::value,

    void something(std::true_type) { controller.something(); }
    void something(std::false_type) { /* default implementation */ }




After some try / error, here's what I would call an acceptable solution.

Using SFINAE, of course, all the inferences about whether to use a controller member function or a default function are done at compile time.

The only thing that developers of type Controllers need is to define the type within the controller as typedef Controller WithSomething;

. It's not difficult compared to the traits you talked about.

First, declare a template class Frontend

and define two template functions for each of the 20 called functions. There are only two foo

and bar


#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

template <typename Ctrl>
class Frontend;

template <typename Ctrl>
void call_foo( typename Ctrl::WithFoo & ctrl ) {; }

template <typename Ctrl>
void call_foo( Ctrl & ctrl ) { Frontend<Ctrl>::default_foo( ctrl ); }

template <typename Ctrl>
void call_bar( typename Ctrl::WithBar & ctrl ) {; }

template <typename Ctrl>
void call_bar( Ctrl & ctrl ) { Frontend<Ctrl>::default_bar( ctrl ); }


Then define a function Frontend

with callable functions. Here I have defined the default implementations as a static member, but this can be changed.

template <typename Ctrl>
class Frontend
    typedef Ctrl controller;

    void foo() { call_foo<Ctrl>( c ); }
    void bar() { call_bar<Ctrl>( c ); }

    static void default_foo( Ctrl & ctrl ) { cout<<"Default foo\n"; }
    static void default_bar( Ctrl & ctrl ) { cout<<"Default bar\n"; }

    Ctrl c;



After all, some examples of classes Controller

. One that defines both foo

and bar

and two others that only define one each.

struct CtrlFooBar
    typedef CtrlFooBar WithFoo;
    typedef CtrlFooBar WithBar;
    void foo() { cout<<"CtrlFB  foo\n"; }
    void bar() { cout<<"CtrlFB  bar\n"; }

struct CtrlFoo
    typedef CtrlFoo WithFoo;
    void foo() { cout<<"CtrlFoo foo\n"; }

struct CtrlBar
    typedef CtrlBar WithBar;
    void bar() { cout<<"CtrlBar bar\n"; }


Usage Frondtend

with all of these classes and with all int

works as expected.

int main()
    Frontend<CtrlFooBar> c2;
    Frontend<CtrlFoo>    cf;
    Frontend<CtrlBar>    cb;
    Frontend<int>        ci;;;;;;;;;

    return 0;



CtrlFB  foo
CtrlFB  bar
CtrlFoo foo
Default bar
Default foo
CtrlBar bar
Default foo
Default bar




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