Remove-Item doesn't work, Delete does

Anyone have any idea why Remove-Item

would work if it Delete


Below script, I am getting a list of files that I would like to delete.
Using Remove-Item

, I am getting the following error:

VERBOSE: Performing a "Delete file" operation on the target "\\ UncPath \ Folder \ test.rtf". Delete item: Unable to delete item \\ UncPath \ Folder \ test.rtf: path access denied.

but when used Delete

, these files are deleted as we speak.


$files = gci \\UncPath\Folder| ?{ $_.LastWriteTime -le (Get-Date).addDays(-28) }

# This doesn't work
$files | Remove-Item -force -verbose

# But this does
$files | % { $_.Delete() }



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2 answers

I can finally reproduce this and IMO it seems like a bug. The reproduction must have an open source such as C $, but to set Deny Modify perms for a user in a file. When I do this, I observe this:

PS> gci '\\Keith-PC\C$\Users\Keith\foo.txt' | ri -for
ri : Cannot remove item \\Keith-PC\C$\Users\Keith\foo.txt: Access to the path is denied.
At line:1 char:43
+ gci '\\Keith-PC\C$\Users\Keith\foo.txt' | ri -for
+                                           ~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (\\Keith-PC\C$\Users\Keith\foo.txt:FileInfo) [Remove-Item], ArgumentExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveFileSystemItemArgumentError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand

PS> gci '\\Keith-PC\C$\Users\Keith\foo.txt' | %{$_.Delete()} # <== this works!


I also notice that removing the parameter -Force

also deletes the file without error. The deny perms feature still allows me to delete a file from Windows Explorer, which makes me think the file should be deleted. So what's using the parameter -Force

? When I delve into ErrorRecord I see the following:

Message        : Access to the path is denied.
ParamName      :
Data           : {}
InnerException :
TargetSite     : Void set_Attributes(System.IO.FileAttributes)
StackTrace     :    at System.IO.FileSystemInfo.set_Attributes(FileAttributes value)
                    at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemProvider.RemoveFileSystemItem(FileSystemInfo
                 fileSystemInfo, Boolean force)


The parameter seems to be -Force

trying to set (more likely to reset) the attributes and the file permissions do not allow it, e.g .:

PS> gci '\\Keith-PC\C$\Users\Keith\foo.txt' | %{$_.Attributes = 'Normal'}
Exception setting "Attributes": "Access to the path is denied."
At line:1 char:45
+ gci '\\Keith-PC\C$\Users\Keith\foo.txt' | %{$_.Attributes = 'Normal'}
+                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExceptionWhenSetting


So it seems to me that PowerShell should try first as if -Force

not present, and if that fails, try resetting the attributes.



powershell can act strange with UNC path, I think it adds UNC path to current provider you can check this with:

cd c:
test-path \\\c$


returns TRUE

cd HKCU:
test-path \\\c$


returns FALSE

when specifying the full path, we are telling powershell to use the file system provider , which solves the problem. you can also specify a vendor likeremove-item filesystem::\\uncpath\folder



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