How to properly use the token bundle

I am using to develop a project and I am trying to run a package with a symbolic token.

I have watched the main video from the documentation where they explain superficially how to use it. Well, I added the "middle token" attribute to the html tag to make it editable, but the value shown is "0" (zero). And besides, although I can see the input text, I cannot write anything.

For example:

<h1 class="title" mean-token="profile-name">{{ }} {{ character.surname }}</h1>


In theory, this h1 should show the values โ€‹โ€‹from and character.surname, but instead it just shows "0" (zero).

I went in /admin/tokens

to create a marker manually and then added its value {{}} {{character.surname}}

as I saw in the video. But it doesn't work.

Where can I find additional (and better) documentation? Any suggestion?



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