One Git Repo for client and server?

I have two git repos right now. The first is the server application that prepares the data, and the second is the mobile application that consumes it. They are very different applications, but they interact; why they are now in two different repositories, and why I think they should be under the same parent.

I don't want to use submodules for this, because I would rather not have multiple steps to keep things in sync. Maybe because I just miss the git ninja. Anyway, I would like to create a structure like this:

root -+
      - client
             + lots of stuff
             + lots of stuff


and I would like to be able to clone either the client or the server, or all of that.

Is there a way to do this, or am I trying to fit a square snap into a round hole?


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1 answer

Better if they are in two separate repo. If you are using github it is better if it is split so that github can better understand your repository. This means that github can categorize which languages ​​you use in your code.

Also, having two separate repo's is good, so you can better manage the specific needs of projects in the repo. I assume they are two different platforms. Therefore, it would be wise to separate them. Their presence in the same repo is not organized.



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