Multiple audio streams in a generic application (Runtime API), XNA SoundEffect replacement

Since XNA is SoundEffect

no longer available in the Windows Runtime API (for generic app development), I need something like this to play multiple audio streams simultaneously.

Requirements: Play the same audio file at the same time.

Previous Silverlight implementation with SoundEffect


// Play sound 10 times, sound can be played together.
// i.e. First sound continues playing while second sound starts playing.
for(int i=0; i++; i < 10)
    Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("sounds/Ding.wav");
    SoundEffect effect = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream);
    // Wait a while before playing again.



supports multiple (up to 16, I think) SoundEffectInstance

at the same time.

The standard API MediaElement

only supports 1 audio stream for Windows Phone 8.1.

I ran into this: , which uses the XAudio2 API, but it doesn't seem to support concurrent audio.


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1 answer

solvable. I have used SharpDX. Many thanks to the author here: utm_source = rss & utm_medium = rss & utm_campaign = how-to-play-a-wav-sound-file-with-directx-in-c-for-windows-8

Here is the solution code:


        xAudio = new XAudio2();
        var masteringVoice = new MasteringVoice(xAudio);
        var nativeFileStream = new NativeFileStream("Assets/Ding.wav", NativeFileMode.Open, NativeFileAccess.Read, NativeFileShare.Read);

        stream = new SoundStream(nativeFileStream);
        waveFormat = stream.Format;
        buffer = new AudioBuffer
            Stream = stream.ToDataStream(),
            AudioBytes = (int)stream.Length,
            Flags = BufferFlags.EndOfStream


Event handler:

        var sourceVoice = new SourceVoice(xAudio, waveFormat, true);

        sourceVoice.SubmitSourceBuffer(buffer, stream.DecodedPacketsInfo);


Officially provided code via SharpDX example does not use NativeFileStream, it should make it work.



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