Schema Management and Migration in CakePHP 3

I used

Console/cake schema


in CakePHP 2.

Now I am on my way to CakePHP 3 and find out I am Console/cake schema


So what's the recommended way to manage schemas and migrations now?


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2 answers

Lorenzo from CakePHP core created below plugin. It is currently in development and should be considered experimental.

CakePHP 3.0 Database Migration Plugin

Migrations plugin is now part of CakePHP Core



There are currently 2 routes to create a migration:

Cake (using cookies)

bin/cake bake migration [migration_name]



bin/cake migrations


Using the above code Phinx

, it will provide you with several options i.e. create, migrate, rollback

- Create requires the migration name to useCamelCase



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