Why does the CF UAA check_token endpoint need a clientId / clientSecret?

CloudFoundry UAA has a RemoteTokenServices class (part of Spring oauth2 too) that performs authorization token validation by navigating to the check_token endpoint of the UAA server. UAA has sample api and applications that serve as both resource server and client application respectively.

From the sample api spring-servlet.xml:

<bean id="tokenServices" class="org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.oauth.RemoteTokenServices">
    <property name="checkTokenEndpointUrl" value="${checkTokenEndpointUrl}" />
    <property name="clientId" value="app" />
    <property name="clientSecret" value="appclientsecret" />


Do you know why this class (and the check_token endpoint that need these values ​​encoded in the authorization header) requires a clientId and a clientSecret? It seems to me that it puts a dependency on the client application from the resource server. How can I use multiple client applications if one of the client secrets is "hardcoded" here?


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1 answer

I figured it out by reading the UAA documentation completely, and I still think it gets confused in the UAA application examples:

  • The clientId and clientSecret values ​​must be the api application client id / sector (api / apiclientsecret) in the sample as the resource server needs to authenticate... UAA server with basic authorization when invoking the check_token endpoint so that the UAA can verify that the request was made from a valid registered resource server.
  • To do this, the resource server must also be registered as a client in UAA with client_credentials as an authorized grant type.
  • The token to be verified is sent to the body of the POST request.


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