Operating system / user transporter test definition

I have a sequence of mouse / key buttons in a Protractor test that differs depending on the OS (Mac versus everything else). I would like to change which key is held down by the mouse click, depending on the OS or User Agent.

Depending on where I'm testing (local Mac OSx + Chrome or headless PhantomJS on Linux) a command key or Ctrl key is required.

The current test looks like this:

describe('my test', function() {

  //get elements with code not shown
                        .sendKeys(protractor.Key.CONTROL)  //mac protrator.Key.COMMAND non mac protractor.Key.CONTROL
                        .then(function(count) {




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1 answer

Heads-up first using the COMMAND key from webdriver probably won't work on OSX .

As for the way to determine the current operating system of the browser, I use some helper functions.

Usage - Configuration File

onPrepare: require('./capabilities.js'),


Usage - test files

if (browser.inOSX()) {
  // in Mac...
} else if (browser.inWindows()) {
  // in Windows...
} else {
  // likely in Linux...


Browser extensions

See features.js in this context



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