Testing authenticated oauth routes

I am using koa passport and koa to handle my login and registration with twitter oauth. It works great, but I am having difficulty understanding how I should validate my authenticated routes using superether and mocha.

Most of the examples I've seen involve using supertest to send the username and password to the login endpoint to create a user session first. My problem is that I don't have a username and passport authorization strategy. I need to emulate a login process that will set the appropriate session variables and therefore validate certain routes.

Any clue as to how I can achieve this?


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1 answer

My solution to this problem these days is to temporarily push a dummy authenticated user onto the middleware stack when needed. Here is my basic code for express.

var Layer = require('express/lib/router/layer');
var app = require('../../../server');

exports.login = login;
exports.logout = logout;

function login(user){

  var fn = function insertUser(req, res, next){
    req.user = user;

  var layer = new Layer('/', {
    sesitive: false,
    strict: false,
    end: false
  }, fn);
  layer.route = undefined;


function logout(){


And then within your tests, you call:

it('should allow the user to edit something', function(done){
  // perform supertest task


This is obviously pretty rudimentary ... but seems to do the job for testing purposes.



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