Calculating date difference with angular filter

I needed to calculate the difference between two days inclusive and show the difference. Ideally this will be through an angular filter so that it can be used throughout the application.


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JS Filter

generalFilters.filter('dateDiff', function () {
  var magicNumber = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

  return function (toDate, fromDate) {
    if(toDate && fromDate){
      var dayDiff = Math.floor((toDate - fromDate) / magicNumber);
      if (angular.isNumber(dayDiff)){
        return dayDiff + 1;


HTML to display the value.

<div class="field-value">{{entry.toStr | dateDiff:entry.fromStr}} <ng-pluralize count="entry.toStr | dateDiff:entry.fromStr" when="{1:'Day', other: 'Days'}"></ng-pluralize></div>




Duplicate 26649194

angular-moment does the trick! ... and (very) even more.

Using amDifference filter :

Get the difference between two dates in milliseconds. Parameters: date, units and usePrecision. The default date is the current date. Example:

<span>Difference: {{ dateFrom | amDifference : dateTo : 'days' }} days</span>




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