Nested views inside the modal are not displayed. (ui-router and ui-bootstrap)

I am having a problem creating a modality that is responsive to application state. From the angular wi-router wiki I have seen how to achieve my goal, but my code is not working and I do not understand why for the following reasons:

  • when running app router / sign / in module
  • I see the following output on my console

    => "about.sign"

    => ""

  • 2) means both router and shooting! In other words, the modal should be open about.sign

    , and the template from

    should be inserted into its parent template, more precisely on the tag.

I've tried both technologies. Named ui-views and anonymous but none worked.

 var app = angular.module('app.auth',

        url: '/',
          'main': {
            templateUrl: 'about/about.tpl.html'
        url: '',
        onEnter: function($stateParams, $state, $modal){
          var modalInstance = ${
            template:'<h1>Modal</h1><div ui-view="bar-view"></div>',
            size: 'sm',
        onEnter: function($stateParams, $state, $modal){
        views: {
          'bar-view': {
            template: 'Sign in #1'

        onEnter: function($stateParams, $state, $modal){
        views: {
          'bar-view': {
            template: 'Sign up #2'

  }); //end of app.config


Am I doing something wrong with these nested views?


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2 answers

I ran into this too. It turns out that you need to use "parent" instead of dot notation.

Here is the plunker

angular.module('app', ['ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap'])
  .config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


      .state('view', {
        url: '',
        template: '<button class="btn btn-default" ui-sref="modal"> Modal</button> <ui-view />',
        controller: function($scope) {
      .state('modal', {
        //abstract: true,
        parent: 'view',
        url: '/modal',
        onEnter: ['$modal', '$state', function($modal, $state) {
            console.log('Open modal');
              template: '<button class="btn btn-danger" ui-sref="signin"> sign-in </button> <button ui-sref="signout" class="btn btn-success"> sign-out </button> <div ui-view="modal"></div>',
              backdrop: false,
              windowClass: 'right fade'
            }).result.finally(function() {
      .state('signin', {
        url: '/signin',
        parent: 'modal',
        views: {
          'modal@': {
            template: '<p>sign-in</p>'
      .state('signout', {
        url: '/signout',
        parent: 'modal',
        views: {
          'modal@': {
            template: '<p>sign-out</p>'




I think the accepted answer is good. (The trick was naming the view modal@

instead modal

- see the docs for an explanation.) But I thought I'd post a more general solution in case it helps others who come to look here with similar problems. (It took me a while to figure this out.)

One notable difference with my approach is that I chose to create a controller to run the modal instead of using a hook onEnter

(although every other example I've seen has used onEnter

) because it onEnter

doesn't give you scope access. This way, controllers for both modal and child states can inherit from the same parent scope.

An interesting caveat: named views for child states cannot reference the parent state. The modal essentially creates its own state, so in my example it ui-view="modal"

doesn't exist in the context of the state launch_modal

- it exists in the root unnamed template (hence the child view should be modal@

, not modal@launch_modal


registerRoutes: function($stateProvider) {
  var modal_instance = null;
  return $stateProvider.state('launch_modal', {
    url: '/',
    template: '',
    controller: [
      '$uibModal', '$state', '$scope', function($modal, $state, $scope) {
        // init scope variables that you want the modal and child states to inherit
        $scope.modal = {
          title: '',

        // launch the dialog
        modal_instance = ${
          template: '<div ui-view="modal">',
          controller: 'MyModule.Controllers.DialogController',
          scope: $scope

        // make sure we leave the state when the dialog closes
        return modal_instance.result['finally'](function() {
          modal_instance = null;
          if ($state.includes('launch_modal')) {
            return $state.go('^');
    onExit: function() {
      // make sure the dialog is closed when we leave the state
      if (modal_instance != null) {
  }).state('launch_modal.child1', {
    url: '',
    views: {
      // note: doing `modal@launch_modal` won't work!
      'modal@': {
        templateUrl: "path/to/child1/template",
        controller: "MyModule.Controllers.Child1ViewController"


Hope this helps some people!



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