How can I configure the number of TCP connections using dotnet (nugget packet) httpclient?

I used HttpWebRequest.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit ( ) to adjust the number of TCP connections open the client.

I am planning to use HttpCLient for my new application. However, I could not find any relevant information on setting the number of TCP connections . I thought this would be shown via one of the properties in the webrequesthandler ( , Allow untrusted SSL certificates with HttpClient ), however I couldn't find it. It looks like it cannot be configured with a custom httpclient message handler ( )


How do I configure the number of TCP (persistent) connections?

Update 1:

It looks like it doesn't show up via HttpClient (after parsing the code via ILSpy). However, it looks like I can use the FindServicePoint method on the ServicePointManager. Can anyone confirm if this is the way to go - find a service point for my uri and set a connection limit?

public static ServicePoint FindServicePoint(Uri address)
    return ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(address, null);


Update 2:

It actually looks like this: HttpWebRequest.ServicePoint internally calls the same method. Below is the relevant code snippet from ILSpy - however there are many servicepointmanager.findservicepoint (..) overloading methods - choosing the right one can be tricky.

Monitor.Enter(this, ref flag);
            if (this._ServicePoint == null || forceFind)
                if (!this.ProxySet)
                    this._Proxy = WebRequest.InternalDefaultWebProxy;
                if (this._ProxyChain != null)
                this._ServicePoint = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(this._Uri, this._Proxy, out this._ProxyChain, ref this._AbortDelegate, ref this.m_Aborted);
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.Associate(Logging.Web, this, this._ServicePoint);


Note. I don't want to use the ServicePointManager. DefaultConnectionLimit as global . I'm looking for something related to httpwebrequest.servicepoint.connectionlimit that is local to request and effects for each service point (host).



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1 answer

You can use SemphoreSlim to manipulate entry points in your code, which creates a request, which in turn creates TCP ports.

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