As qml files in qrc import plugins

I have one PyQt4 project that uses qml files. Now I want to add some qml files to the qrr file:

In the qrc file:

<qresource prefix="/">


Use pyrcc4 tool to generate

pyrcc4 -o source.qrc


Then, in a python script, I can call qml files like:

import source_rc
qml_path = "qrc:/dir1/dir2/file1.qml"


But now I have one problem because in my qml file I imported a QtDestop component like this (the QtDeskop path is in / dir 1 / dir2 / QtDesktop):

import "QtDesktop"


So when I start my application, it will crash and report this:

qrc:/dir1/dir2/file1.qml:2:1 "QtDesktop": no such directory


It can't seem to find the QtDesktop path. I am trying to add the complete QtDestkop folder to qrc, but it has one plugin library that cannot be added to qrc.

Is there anyone who can help solve this problem? Many thanks!


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