Best way to handle if a> b in case

Is there a better way to write the following query snippet?

CASE WHEN ugt.Type = 'Permanent' 
            AND ISNULL(ug.lastpromotion,u.CreatedOn) < DATEADD(MM,-6,GETDATE())
                SELECT  cast(sum(pc.CommissionPerc / 100) as numeric(3,1))
                FROM Placements p
                INNER JOIN PlacementConsultants pc on pc.PlacementId = p.PlacementID AND pc.UserId = @userid
                INNER JOIN PlacementInvoices PlI on PlI.PlacementID = P.Placementid
                WHERE p.CreatedUserId = @userid
                AND pli.CreatedOn 
                        BETWEEN DATEADD(MM,-6,GETDATE())
                        AND GETDATE()
    WHEN ugt.Type = 'Permanent' 
            AND ISNULL(ug.lastpromotion,u.CreatedOn) > DATEADD(MM,-6,GETDATE())
                SELECT cast(sum(pc.CommissionPerc / 100) as numeric(3,1))
                FROM Placements p
                INNER JOIN PlacementConsultants pc on pc.PlacementId = p.PlacementID AND pc.UserId = @userid
                INNER JOIN PlacementInvoices PlI on PlI.PlacementID = P.Placementid
                WHERE pc.UserId = @userid
                AND pli.CreatedOn 
                        BETWEEN ISNULL(ug.lastpromotion,u.CreatedOn)
                        AND GETDATE()


Since all that changes is pli.createdon, you need to use the most recent from the last ad or 6 months ago. (i.e. count the number of deals since they were last promoted or 6 months ago, which is the most recent)?

Or am I stuck doing 2 cases for each type?


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2 answers

You can do this in one case

, simply by improving the logic in the sentence where


CASE WHEN ugt.Type = 'Permanent' 
     THEN (SELECT  cast(sum(pc.CommissionPerc / 100) as numeric(3,1))
           FROM Placements p INNER JOIN
                PlacementConsultants pc
                on pc.PlacementId = p.PlacementID AND pc.UserId = @userid INNER JOIN
                PlacementInvoices PlI
                on PlI.PlacementID = P.Placementid
           WHERE p.CreatedUserId = @userid AND
                 pli.CreatedOn <= GETDATE() AND
                 ((pli.CreatedOn >= DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE()) AND
                   ISNULL(ug.lastpromotion, u.CreatedOn) < DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE())
                  ) OR
                  (pli.ISNULL(ug.lastpromotion, u.CreatedOn) AND
                   ISNULL(ug.lastpromotion, u.CreatedOn) >= DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE())


Wouldn't it be nice if SQL Server supported least()

and greatest()




You can move your case to a WHERE clause:

 AND pli.CreatedOn BETWEEN 
   IFF(ISNULL(ug.lastpromotion,u.CreatedOn) < DATEADD(MM,-6,GETDATE()),




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