Plot from file

I am trying to plot a graph in python with matplotlib. The file I'm trying to give as input is a txt file with no delimiter. It has many columns and I am interested in col[2]

and col[4]

. The data can be str or int or float


Input file

3401  1772  1  0.0002  3498.0
3840  3730  5  0.001  4658.0
3439  651  13  0.0026  22208.0
5069  3354  2  0.0004  3510.0
5252  4001  5  0.001  3468.0
5417  2970  5  0.001  4224.0
4653  3928  5  0.001  10132.0
1681  1028  2  0.0004  9399.0
2908  2615  4  0.0008  19306.0



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import*
import math
from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator

plt.plotfile('edge_per_one_1.txt', delimiter=' ', cols=(2,4), names=('col2','col4'), marker='o')



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
    plt.plotfile('edge_per_one_1.txt', delimiter=' ', cols=(2,4), names=('col2','col4'), marker='o')
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 1894, in plotfile
    xname, x = getname_val(cols[0])
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 1889, in getname_val
    name = r.dtype.names[int(identifier)]
IndexError: tuple index out of range



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3 answers

You have lost the column names in the argument names

. Also your input file seems to have DUAL SPACES as delimiters. Delimiters must be SINGLE CHAR elements (space or comma).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plotfile('edge_per_one_1.txt', delimiter=' ', cols=(2,4), 
              names=('col1','col2','col3','col4','col5'), marker='o')




Clue is in the stacktrace:

File "", line 2318, in getname_val
name = r.dtype.names[int(identifier)]
IndexError: tuple index out of range


It looks like the getname_val passed in is too short. In the code itself:

        elif is_numlike(identifier):
        name = r.dtype.names[int(identifier)]


It looks like it is trying to access the names at the index you specified. This means that you have to list all the column names in the plot file,

plt.plotfile('edge_per_one_1.txt', delimiter=' ', cols=(2,4), names=('col1','col2','col3','col4','col5'), marker='o')


In short: the names argument requires you to specify the names of all columns



You can also specify the axis labels using pyplot:

plt.plotfile('edge_per_one_1.txt', delimiter=' ', cols=(2,4), marker='o')




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