Apache HttpClient - need to use MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager?

I have a server that receives requests from clients and based on the requests it connects to some external website and does some operations.

I am using Apache Commons HttpClient

(v 2.0.2) for these connections (I know it is old, but I have to use it due to other restrictions).

My server won't receive frequent requests. I think there might be a lot of requests on first deployment. Then it will only have a few requests per day. Sometimes beatings can occur when many requests appear again.

All connections will be one of three urls: they can be http or https

I was thinking about using separate instances HttpClient

for each request

I need to use a shared object HttpClient

and use it with MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager

for different connections. How exactly does the MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager help - does this keep the connection even after the releaseConnection is called? How long will it stay open?

All my connections will be GET and they are going to return 10-20 bytes maximum. I am not downloading anything. The reason I use HttpClient

java libraries instead of core is because sometimes I can use HTTP 1.0 (I don't think Java classes support this) and I can do Http redirection automatically as well.


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2 answers

I am using PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager

in a significantly multithreaded environment and it works very well.

Here's the client pool implementation:

public class HttpClientPool {

    // Single-element enum to implement Singleton.
    private static enum Singleton {

        // Just one of me so constructor will be called once.

        // The thread-safe client.
        private final CloseableHttpClient threadSafeClient;
        // The pool monitor.
        private final IdleConnectionMonitor monitor;

        // The constructor creates it - thus late
        private Singleton() {
            PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
            // Increase max total connection to 200
            // Increase default max connection per route to 200

            // Make my builder.
            HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClients.custom()
                    .setRedirectStrategy(new LaxRedirectStrategy())
            // Build the client.
            threadSafeClient = builder.build();
            // Start up an eviction thread.
            monitor = new IdleConnectionMonitor(cm);
            // Start up the monitor.
            Thread monitorThread = new Thread(monitor);

        public CloseableHttpClient get() {
            return threadSafeClient;


    public static CloseableHttpClient getClient() {
        // The thread safe client is held by the singleton.
        return Singleton.Client.get();

    public static void shutdown() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
        // Shutdown the monitor.

    // Watches for stale connections and evicts them.
    private static class IdleConnectionMonitor implements Runnable {

        // The manager to watch.

        private final PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm;
        // Use a BlockingQueue to stop everything.
        private final BlockingQueue<Stop> stopSignal = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Stop>(1);

        IdleConnectionMonitor(PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm) {
            this.cm = cm;

        public void run() {
            try {
                // Holds the stop request that stopped the process.
                Stop stopRequest;
                // Every 5 seconds.
                while ((stopRequest = stopSignal.poll(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) == null) {
                    // Close expired connections
                    // Optionally, close connections that have been idle too long.
                    cm.closeIdleConnections(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                // Acknowledge the stop request.
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                // terminate

        // Pushed up the queue.
        private static class Stop {

            // The return queue.

            private final BlockingQueue<Stop> stop = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Stop>(1);

            // Called by the process that is being told to stop.
            public void stopped() {
                // Push me back up the queue to indicate we are now stopped.

            // Called by the process requesting the stop.
            public void waitForStopped() throws InterruptedException {
                // Wait until the callee acknowledges that it has stopped.


        public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
            // Signal the stop to the thread.
            Stop stop = new Stop();
            // Wait for the stop to complete.
            // Close the pool.
            // Close the connection manager.




All you have to do is CloseableHttpResponse conversation = HttpClientPool.getClient().execute(request);

, and when you're done with it, it's simple close

and it will be returned to the pool.



I think it all depends on what your SLA is and if the performance is within acceptable / expected response times. Your solution will work without any problem, but it won't scale if your application grows over time.

Using a MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager

much more elegant / scalable solution than managing three independent HttpClient objects.



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