Removing completed tasks from the <Tasks> list

I am using TPL in .net 4.0 to work with multiple tasks asynchronously. Below is the code snippet:

List<Task> TaskList = new List<Task>();
while (some condition)
    var t = Task.Factory.StartNew( () = > doSomething () );

//Wait for all tasks to complete


If the while loop runs for a long time, what happens to the size of the "TaskList"? I am concerned that this will take up significant memory if the while loop runs for days. Should I remove completed jobs from this list or are they automatically removed?

Is there any other way to optimize this in terms of memory?


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1 answer

TaskList.RemoveAll(x => x.IsCompleted);


Do I need to remove completed tasks from this list or automatically remove them?

no, no one will delete your entries List

if you don't.



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