TraMineR Using Weights

I am still new to TraMineR

; so my problem might be very simple for most of you. I am working on some sequence plots with my data and would like to see results with poll weights and nominal weights. I can import data into R and run sequence plots with the data as is, but I cannot run it with weights. I've included my syntax on how I created state sequence objects (pretty naive) and two sequence examples. How do I write the syntax for using weights? Thanks to

Data file DISDATAC

; Survey scales: WTSURVY

; Nominal weights: NORMWEIGHTS

DISDATAC.shortlab <- c("2yr", "4yr", "Gov","Bus","UeL")
DISDATAC.lab <- c("2year college or Other School System", " 4year college or Medical Institution", " Government","Business/Industry","Unemployed or Not in the labor force")
DISDATAC.seq <- seqdef(DISDATAC, 09:12, states = DISDATAC.shortlab, labels = DISDATAC.lab)
DISDATAC.seq[1:20, 1:4] ; print(DISDATAC.seq[1:20, ], format = "SPS"); alphabet(DISDATAC.seq)

Sequence Plot Syntax examples
seqIplot(DISDATAW.seq, border = NA, group = DISDATAW$NMRMEMG, sortv = "from.start")
seqIplot(DISDATAW.seq, border = NA, group = DISDATAW$GENDER:DISDATAW$NMRMEMG, sortv = "from.start")



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1 answer

It's hard to be sure without a sample of your data to reproduce, but it looks like you need to provide a column weights

in a function seqdef

. If you do this, the construction functions TraMineR

respect the default weight.

If you do help for seqIplot

, you can go to the help page, which discusses weights. Here's the key section from the help for seqIplot


If the weights were specified at creation seqdata

, the weighted frequencies will be returned to seqtab

as the default is the option weighted=TRUE

. See Examples below seqtab

and the plot.stslist.freq

man pages for a complete list of optional arguments and Müller et al., (2008) for a description of sequence frequency plots.

So, we need to look at the function seqdef

that creates an object seqdata

for plotting. Help for seqdef

describes the argument weights



an optional numeric vector containing weights to be considered for plotting and statistical functions, when applicable.

The help also has an example of how to enter weights in seqdef




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