Meteor method with HTTP request does not return callback

I am trying to create a Meteor method with an HTTP get request. I am returning a result, but I cannot get a client side callback to return the result. The callback must wait for the HTTP request to return a result before it returns the callback. I am receiving data successfully from an HTTP request, so this is not a problem.

Any suggestions on how to do this?

   getYouTubeVideo: function (id) {
    check(id, String);

    var params = {
        part:'snippet, status, contentDetails',

    HTTP.get('', {timeout:5000, params:params}, function(error, result){
      if (error) {
        throw new Meteor.Error(404, "Error: " + error);
        return result; 



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1 answer

You need to use the synchronous version HTTP.get

like this:

var result=HTTP.get('', {timeout:5000, params:params});
return result;


If you are using the asynchronous version with a callback like you are, you run into a common problem trying to return the result in a callback (which won't work) and not in a method, which is what you should be doing.

Note that synchronous HTTP.get

is only available in the server environment, so place the method declaration inserver/



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