Exiting the trap / one step

I am writing a program that monitors the execution of other programs. I am using dynamic instructions to track the behavior of an x86 CMP instruction.

I am using windows debugging api to control the behavior of a debugged program. I run the program with the "debug only this process" flag and then set the trap flag on the main thread.

Then I enter the main debug loop:

bool cDebugger::ProcessNextDebugEvent(bool Verbose)
    bool Result = true;
    DEBUG_EVENT Event = { 0 };


    if (!WaitForDebugEvent(&Event, INFINITE))
        _Reporter("Error: WaitForDebugEvent: " + to_string(GetLastError()));
        return Result;
        if (Event.dwDebugEventCode == CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT)
            if (Verbose)
                _Reporter("Created process: " + GetFilenameFromHandle(Event.u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile));
        else if (Event.dwDebugEventCode == LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT)
            if (Verbose)
                _Reporter("Dll: " + GetFilenameFromHandle(Event.u.LoadDll.hFile) + " loaded at: " + to_string((unsigned int)Event.u.LoadDll.lpBaseOfDll));

            _Dlls.insert(make_pair((unsigned int)Event.u.LoadDll.lpBaseOfDll, GetFilenameFromHandle(Event.u.LoadDll.hFile)));
        else if (Event.dwDebugEventCode == CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT)
            if (Verbose)
                _Reporter("Thread[" + to_string(Event.dwThreadId) + "] created at: " + to_string((unsigned int)Event.u.CreateThread.lpStartAddress));

        else if (Event.dwDebugEventCode == EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT)
            if (Verbose)
                _Reporter("Thread[" + to_string(Event.dwThreadId) + "] exited with: " + to_string(Event.u.ExitThread.dwExitCode));

            auto It = std::find(_Threads.begin(), _Threads.end(), Event.dwThreadId);

            if (It != _Threads.end())
        else if (Event.dwDebugEventCode == UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT)
            if (Verbose)
                _Reporter("Dll " + _Dlls[(unsigned int)Event.u.UnloadDll.lpBaseOfDll] + " unloaded at : " + to_string((unsigned int)Event.u.UnloadDll.lpBaseOfDll));
        else if (Event.dwDebugEventCode == EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT)
            if (Verbose)
                _Reporter("Process exited with: " + to_string(Event.u.ExitProcess.dwExitCode));

            Result = false;

        else if (Event.dwDebugEventCode == EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT)
            if (Event.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP)
                Status = DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLED;
                Status = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < _Threads.size(); i++)
            HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, _Threads[i]);

            if (hThread == NULL)
                _Reporter("Error: Failed to open thread: " + to_string(GetLastError()));
                CONTEXT ThreadContext = GetThreadContext(hThread);

                ProcessStep(ThreadContext, hThread);

                ThreadContext.EFlags |= 0x100; // Set trap flag.
                SetThreadContext(hThread, ThreadContext);


        if (!ContinueDebugEvent(Event.dwProcessId, Event.dwThreadId, Status))
            _Reporter("Error: ContinueDebugEvent: " + to_string(GetLastError()));

    return Result;


As you can see, I go through all the threads at the end of the function to make sure that the one-step exception is thrown on every next instruction in every thread. However, sometimes execution seems to "escape" this trap, often executing millions of instructions before catching the next debug event again.

I wrote another small application to test the behavior of my program:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    //__asm int 3h
    if (argc == 41234123)
        printf("Got one\n");

    return 0;


The expected trace output should be:

0xDEADBEEF CMP 1 41234123


However, somehow the tracer does not write this instruction (indicating that the debug event was not raised and that the trap flag was not set).

Can anyone see that I am doing something wrong in my debug loop? Or what behavior of the test program (DLL loading) might be causing this?


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1 answer

The problem is related to the code entering kernel space when calling windows apis. My solution was to set the page guard of the test program executable section to PAGE_GUARD:


    DWORD StartAddress = (DWORD)Info.lpMinimumApplicationAddress;
    DWORD StopAddress = (DWORD)Info.lpMaximumApplicationAddress;
    DWORD PageSize = 0;

    PageSize = Info.dwPageSize;


    for (DWORD AddressPointer = StartAddress; AddressPointer < StopAddress; AddressPointer += PageSize)
        VirtualQueryEx(_Process.GetHandle(), (LPCVOID)AddressPointer, &Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));

        if (CheckBit(Buffer.Protect, 4) || CheckBit(Buffer.Protect, 5) || CheckBit(Buffer.Protect, 6) || CheckBit(Buffer.Protect, 7))
            if (Buffer.State == MEM_COMMIT)
                _Sections.push_back(make_pair((unsigned int)Buffer.BaseAddress, (unsigned int)Buffer.RegionSize));
                AddressPointer = (unsigned int)Buffer.BaseAddress + (unsigned int)Buffer.RegionSize;

void cDebugger::SetPageGuard()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < _Sections.size(); i++)
        DWORD Dummy;
        VirtualProtectEx(_Process.GetHandle(), (LPVOID)_Sections[i].first, _Sections[i].second, PAGE_GUARD | PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &Dummy);


This way I return control because the system will fire EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE when execution returns to the guarded page.

if (Event.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP)
                Status = DBG_CONTINUE;
                if (!_Tracing)
                    HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, Event.dwThreadId);
                    CONTEXT ThreadContext = GetThreadContext(hThread);

                    if (ThreadContext.Eip == _EntryAddress)
                        ClearHardwareBreakpoint(0, hThread);
                        _Tracing = true;



                _Guarded = true;
            else if (Event.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT)
                Status = DBG_CONTINUE;
            else if (Event.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE)
                Status = DBG_CONTINUE;   // fires when processor lands on guarded pages
                Status = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED;


This solution is not perfect. There are perhaps some more situations in which execution can still avoid the "trap". But it solved my most immediate problem (being able to see comparisons in my test program).



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