Error with schemaVersion of Azure project

I have an Azure project in TFS that worked well.

I just got the latest version and rebuilt the project and now I am getting the following version:

Error   131 The XML specification is not valid: The 'schemaVersion' attribute is invalid - The value '2013-10.2.2' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The Enumeration constraint failed.  D:\TFS_BOIRA\PROPPOSV3\BACKEND\ServiceLayer.Azure1\ServiceDefinition.csdef  2   125 ServiceLayer.Azure1


The same configuration works well on another computer.

I checked the version of Azure Tools on both machines and we have different versions. On my computer (where I am getting the error) I have azure 2.3 tools whereas on the other computer where it is running version 2.2.

Maybe this is a problem with azure tools versions?

When I add a role to an Azure cloud project, assemblies: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime

updated to version and I need them in version

Do I need to reinstall laser tools to version 2.2?



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4 answers

You need to sync this up if you are running on two different machines. Either bring it up to 2.3 or go back. Please note that the update may change configuration files that you have not yet registered.



In addition to Ingrid's answer, you need to get the latest version of the schema in the ServiceDefinition (.csdef) and ServiceConfiguration (.cscfg) files and this is not enough to just change the value of the original version (e.g. 2.3), you also need the date of the new version:

2.3: schemaVersion = "2014-01.2.3"

2.4: schemaVersion = "2014-06.2.4"

<ServiceConfiguration serviceName="MyCoolCloudProjectName" xmlns="" osFamily="4" osVersion="*" schemaVersion="2014-06.2.4">

<ServiceDefinition name="MyCoolCloudProjectName" xmlns="" schemaVersion="2014-06.2.4">




Finally, it helped for me to get the Azure Tools version back as @Steve Newton said.

How to return the version described here: .

What I've done:

1. Modify the .ccproj file: the next two tags change from 2.3 to 2.2.

< ProductVersion>2.2< /ProductVersion>

< CloudExtensionsDir Condition=" '$(CloudExtensionsDir)' == '' ">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\Windows Azure Tools\2.2\< /CloudExtensionsDir>


2.Open the ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef files and change the version there.



I have the same error

[my config: java / eclipse or jenkins / azure eclipseplugin / azure sdk]

ServiceDefinition.csdef (2, 128): Error  CloudServices051 : The XML specification is not valid: The 'schemaVersion' attribute is invalid - The value '2014-06.2.4' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The Enumeration constraint failed.


I had no errors on my workstation using Eclipse or console, but I got this error on my Jenkins instance. Perhaps it was the difference between the SDK. I have updated both (jenkins and my workstation) with the same SDK version, but I keep this error ... :(

The only workaround I found for building success was removing this attribute from the root element ServiceDefinition.csdef


<ServiceDefinition xmlns="" name="AzureDeploymentProject">


In my build, I keep the following warning, but the package succeeds.

ServiceDefinition.csdef: Warning  CloudServices040 : The 'schemaVersion' attribute is unspecified. Please set the attribute to avoid this warning.




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