Make source maps a link to original files on the remote machine

Using the Google Closure compiler to minify the javascripts heap. Now I would like to add the source maps to those as well, in order to debug them in the wild.

Thing is, I want to store the original (and preferably the map files) in a completely different location like a different server. I was looking for a solution to this and found out about the parameter sourceRoot

. But it looks like it's not supported?

Also found this parameter --source_map_location_mapping

, but no documentation at all. It looks like it wants a pipe delimited ( filesystem-path|webserver-path

) argument . Tried several different approaches to this, for example local filename|remote url

, but no overriding. It just gives me No such file or directory

and java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


Has anyone succeeded in putting the raw data minifiles on a remote machine?

Or does anyone know any documentation for --source_map_location_mapping



source to share

3 answers

The flag should be formatted like this:



The flag should be repeated if you need multiple places:

--source_map_location_mapping=foo/|http://bar --source_map_location_mapping=xxx/|http://yyy


But I expect that you are faced with the fact that "|" can be interpreted by your shell. For example:

echo --source_map_location_mapping=foo/|http://bar
-bash: http://bar: No such file or directory


(The choice to use "|" was unfortunate). Make sure it is properly shielded. as:



I submitted a pull request to report a bug for poorly formatted flag values:

which at least you know your flag value is wrong (so you won't see an exception out of bounds).



John is indeed right, but I think I can clear it up a bit (since I had a hard time getting it confused).

I suspect a lot of people have the same problem as mine:

Use the example above. Let's say we have the assets /js/main.js in our source map and we want to make sure loads. To do this, you must pass an option:



As John mentioned, quotes are important and repeat multiple arguments multiple times for multiple parameters. The / prefix will let Firefox / Chrome know that you want it relative to your root site. (If you do it with something like grunt-closure-tools , you need to escape more:



Thus, we can essentially map any given sourcemap path to any given website path. It's really not a perfect replacement for some kind of closure source root, but it allows you to map each part of your sources individually to their own roots, so it's not a bad trade-off and gives some additional flexibility (i.e. you can specify some cdn paths for some of your assets, but not others).

Additional information you may find helpful, you can automatically add the sourceMappingURL via output_wrapper. (Although, if you want to be able to debug in production, you should probably prefer some ability to get the server to return X-Sourcemap: headers not publicly available)

--output_wrapper="(function(){%output%}).call(this); //# sourceMappingURL=/assets/js/"




Fortunately, the source code for the Google Closure compiler is publicly available.

REM --source_map_location_mapping is case SENSITIVE !
REM need extra escaped double quote   --source_map_location_mapping="\"C:/tools/closure/^|httpsa://bla/\"" as per
java -jar compiler.jar --compilation_level=SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --create_source_map=C:\tools\closure\latest\ --output_wrapper "%output%//#"  --js=C:\tools\closure\mapslayer.js --js_output_file=maplayer.min.js --source_map_location_mapping="\"C:/tools/closure/^|httpsa://bla/\""




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