How to determine the last item from the foreach-object cmdlet from the pipeline

How can I determine if a process is in the last item from the ForEach-Object pipeline cmdlet?

Example: Let's say that I previously defined a connection for OLEDB to access the database to get the column definitions for each local table. I want the list of each of these columns to be comma separated - except for handling the LAST column. I want to omit the comma.

  ForEach($table in $Tables)
    $SchemaColumn = $Connection.GetSchema("Columns")
     $listarray = $schemaColumn |
     foreach-Object {

        If($_.Table_Name -eq $Table) { 

            IF "Last Item in Pipeline"   <---------------------------what would go here?
                 "$($_.COLUMN_Name) $(Get-DataType($_.DATA_TYPE))"   <---- no comma!
            ELSE   ## not the end of pipeline listing
                 "$($_.COLUMN_Name) $(Get-DataType($_.DATA_TYPE)), "  <----yes comma!
     } #end Foreach-Object



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Can I suggest a different approach that doesn't depend on whether it is the last element or not?

ForEach($table in $Tables)
$SchemaColumn = $Connection.GetSchema("Columns")
 $listarray = $schemaColumn |
 foreach-Object {

    If($_.Table_Name -eq $Table) { 
             "$($_.COLUMN_Name) $(Get-DataType($_.DATA_TYPE))"  # <---- no comma!
 } -join ',' #end Foreach-Object


Pay attention to the last line. The call result ForEach-Object

(all results "without comma") will be concatenated with symbols ,


If this is not what you are looking for, can you explain how you want to use the end result?



If you don't already have a generated array, you would like to do a complete construct instead of a pipeline for foreach.

$testarray = 1..10
Foreach ($Item in $TestArray) 
    if ($Item -eq $testarray[-1])
    { "last item in array is $Item"}


To clarify, each time through the array, it checks if the $ element matches the last element in $ testarray. [-1] selects the last element in the array

But, in your case, since you already have an array stored in $ SchemaColumn, you can do the same as I said above with a pipeline ... it would look like this:

if ($_ -eq $SchemaColumn[-1]) { 'stuff' }




Alternatively, you can skip the check to see if the last column is, and then just trim the trailing commas.

ForEach($table in $Tables)
$SchemaColumn = $Connection.GetSchema("Columns")
    $listarray = $schemaColumn | Where{$_.Table_Name -eq $Table} |
        foreach-Object {"$($_.COLUMN_Name) $(Get-DataType($_.DATA_TYPE)), "}
    $ListArray | ForEach{$_ = $_.TrimEnd(, )}
} #end Foreach-Object




A simple solution. If you know the total number of items, you can use a counter to compare with:

$Total = $Items.count
$Counter = 0

foreach ($Item in $Items) {
    # This will run on the final iteration
    $Counter += 1
    if($Counter -ne $Total) {
        #This won't execute on the final iteration




Returns each column information as a string. This will create an array from which you can use a PowerShell statement -join

to join them with a semicolon.

foreach( $table in $Tables )
    $columns = $Connection.GetSchema('Columns') | 
                    Where-Object { $_.TABLE_NAME -eq $table } |
                    ForEach-Object { '{0} {1}' -f $_.COLUMN_Name,(Get-DataType $_.DATA_TYPE) }
    $columns -join ', '


It looks like you are writing some kind of report. Instead of returning strings, have you considered returning objects?

$Connection.GetSchema('Columns') | 
    Select-Object -Property 'COLUMN_NAME',@{ Name = 'DATATYPE'; Expression = { Get-DataType $_.DATA_TYPE }},'TABLE_NAME'


Then someone could do this:

Get-Column |
    Sort-Object 'TABLE_NAME' |
    Format-Table -AutoSize -GroupBy 'TABLE_NAME' |
    Set-Content 'schema.txt'


Or that:

Get-Column |


Or that:

Get-Column |
    Sort-Object -Property 'TABLE_NAME' |




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