Content of custom WordPress template not showing on page


I am working with a custom WordPress theme that I developed for a website. I have a box on the left side of the footer for a postal address and I want this to be editable using the theme customizer in WordPress. I added the appropriate field to the customizer, but the content of the field is not displayed on the page.

In the functions.php function, the following code adds a field to the theme setting:

//Adds footer address to theme customizer   

function sanitize_footer_address($input){
    return strip_tags(stripslashes($input));    

function portfolio_customize_register($wp_customize){

            'title' => __('Left Footer Content', 'portfolio'),
            'priority' => 200

            'default' => '100 Main Street | Anytown, USA',
            'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_footer_address'

    $wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Control(
        'label' => 'Address to appear on left side of footer', 
        'section' => 'Footer', 
        'settings' => 'footer_address_text', 
        'type' => 'text'

add_action(customize_register, portfolio_customize_register);


In the footer.php template, the corresponding markup is:

<p class="col md-4 text-muted" id="footer_address"><?php echo get_theme_mod('footer_address_text'); ?></p>


The field content is not displayed on the page.


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1 answer


registers the wrong id and add_control()

does not need to new WP_Customize_Control($wp_customize, )

add the default field only if a custom class is created WP_Customize_*


        'default' => '100 Main Street | Anytown, USA',
        'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_footer_address'

        'label' => 'Address to appear on left side of footer', 
        'section' => 'Footer', 
        'settings' => 'footer_address_text', 
        'type' => 'text'




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