Save column formulas in the table header

Is it possible for the formulas I need to apply to the columns to be saved or applied to the column header or some metadata so that when and when I add new rows to the Excel spreadsheet the Formulas are applied to the columns?


I am creating a template table with no rows at first. On a separate sheet (or the same sheet for that matter), when the user selects the number of rows to be generated in the table, I dynamically add rows to the table using VBA.

The idea is that I cannot have any rows in the table at the start OR the user can delete rows manually. When I add new rows programmatically, I want the formulas to apply to the cells as well. Most of the formulas I use are of three types:

Structured table reference, Excel functions like SUM, AVERAGE, etc. and custom function names.


Here's what I've tried:

1> tried to apply the formula to the title itself. Result: the title itself changes with an error #REF!

. I believe the behavior is correct. So this is a no option.

2> Tried creating one row and applying the formula to the row. This works, but the problem is I don't want to start with a dummy string.

3> Using VBA code to add a row to a table with

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3").ListObjects("Table2").ListRows.Add AlwaysInsert:=True


inside a for loop. New lines preserve visual style sheets, but don't seem to preserve formulas. Just blank cells.


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2 answers

Can fomrmulas be header over cellular networks?

enter image description here

And then using VBA add the formula for the current row:

Sub test()
    Dim headerCells As Range
    Set headerCells = Range("B2:E2")

    OnNewRow 3, headerCells
End Sub

Sub OnNewRow(newRow As Integer, headerCells As Range)
    Dim headerCell As Range, targetCell As Range, formulaFromComment As String
    For Each headerCell In headerCells
        formulaFromComment = GetFormulaFromComment(headerCell)
        If (formulaFromComment = "") Then _
            GoTo NextHeaderCell
        Set targetCell = Intersect(headerCells.Worksheet.Rows(newRow), _
        AddFormula newRow, targetCell, formulaFromComment
End Sub

Sub AddFormula( _
    newRow As Integer, _
    targetCell As Range, _
    formula As String)

    formula = Replace(formula, "{ROW}", newRow)
    targetCell.formula = formula
End Sub

Function GetFormulaFromComment(headerCells As Range) As String
    ' TODO
    GetFormulaFromComment = "=SUM($C${ROW}:$E${ROW})"
End Function




Not sure about table templates or VBA, but maybe there is another option using =ARRAYFORMULA()

For example, let's say you have a header row and 3 columns and you want your last column to be the product of the first two. In a cell, C2

you can enter the following:



This has three advantages :

  • Skips the first line completely
  • Effectively applies a formula to each row, which is useful if you later decide to insert a row (your question)
  • Only one place to change the formula for each separate line

Although, it may not be immediately obvious where, like /, where cells are counted. (hint: ctrl

+ ~

might help)



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