How to make `docker run` inherit ulimits

Executing a command through docker doesn't look like my currently configured ulimit


$ ulimit -t
~ $ sudo - bash -c "ulimit -t"
~ $ sudo - docker run --rm debian: wheezy bash -c "ulimit -t"

How can I do it?


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2 answers

You can set global limits in the Docker daemon configuration. On Ubuntu, this is managed in Upstart. Add limit cpu <softlimit> <hardlimit>

to /etc/init/docker.conf

and restart the daemon.

In each container, you must use the --privileged

c flag docker run

to set the ulimits. AFAIK there is no way to do this without --privileged


See also Runtime Limits for CPU and Memory .



Currently (v1.5.0) these limits are inherited from the docker daemon limits. But the docker team is going to release limits on each container .

For a workaround, you can set limits inside the container like

# docker run ubuntu bash -c "ulimit -t 5; doSomething"




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