Accessing python dateutil relativedelta values
I am very new to python and I ran into a small problem that I could not find an answer on googling. I am running the following code:
from dateutil import relativedelta as rdelta
def diff_dates(date1, date2):
return rdelta.relativedelta(date1,date2)
and d2
- two separate dates
years = diff_dates(d2,d1)
print "Years: ", years
The values ββthat have been printed for years are the correct values ββthat I expect. My problem is that I need to access these values ββand compare them with some other values. Regardless of how I try to access the data, I get similar errors:
AttributeError: relativedelta instance has no __call__ method
I need years, months and days to receive and any help would be greatly appreciated.
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The object that you call, that you call years
has all the information inside. This object has the required values ββas attributes:
In [12]: d = rdelta.relativedelta(datetime.datetime(1998, 10, 20, 1, 2, 3), datetime.datetime(2001, 5, 3, 3, 4, 5))
In [13]: d
Out[13]: relativedelta(years=-2, months=-6, days=-14, hours=-2, minutes=-2, seconds=-2)
In [14]: d.years
Out[14]: -2
In [15]: d.months
Out[15]: -6
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