How can I prevent Qt Creator 2.4.1 tabs from replacing with spaces?

How can I prevent Qt Creator 2.4.1 tabs from replacing with spaces?

I selected "Tabs only on" Tab, but Qt Creator still has this annoying behavior.


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2 answers

In the settings, go to C++

, and on the tab, Code Style

click the button Edit

. In a new window, you will General Tab

have one that allows you to set the indentation values ​​of your C ++ code.

Install Tab policy

in Tabs only

and Align continuation lines

(if 2.4.1 already had it, not necessary) before With Regular Indent

, and you should be good.

Note. The same can be done for Qt Quick




After 3 years, the problem still exists, but ... in QT5.9.1 - qt-creator go to Tools - Options - Fakevim and click the "Install Qt Style" button and the problem is gone (at least for Makefile (s))



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